GREENLIKE S.L., as the party responsible for this Web Site and in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), has implemented those policies, technical and organisational means and procedures to guarantee and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data of its users. These data will be processed in a file/s duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

In the event that the data that the user has to provide is necessary for the GREENLIKE S.L. team to be able to i) answer queries and provide information requested by the user; ii) carry out all the services and/or products contracted or subscribed to by the user; iii) to provide the user with access to certain features of the Website; or iv) carry out all those activities of GREENLIKE S.L. described herein. GREENLIKE S.L. shall inform the user of this obligation, indicating which data must be provided. By indicating, providing or entering this data and in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of the L.O.P.D., the user grants unequivocal consent to GREENLIKE S.L. to process the data supplied for the aforementioned purposes, as well as for the possible sending of commercial communications from GREENLIKE S.L. that may be of interest to the user.

The entity responsible for the database, as well as the persons who intervene in any phase of the processing and/or the entities to which the data have been communicated -if applicable and by virtue of the corresponding authorisation given by the user-, are obliged to observe professional secrecy and to adopt the levels of protection and the technical and organisational measures within their reach that guarantee the security of the personal data, avoiding, as far as possible, unauthorised access, illicit modifications, theft and/or loss of the data, in order to ensure the corresponding level of security for the files of GREENLIKE S. L., according to the nature and sensitivity of the data provided by users of this website. Likewise, GREENLIKE S.L. undertakes to have implemented the corresponding security measures by virtue of that established in the Regulation on Security Measures (R.D. 1720/2007).

Users have recognised by the aforementioned Organic Law on Data Protection the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition and, if appropriate, the right to revoke at any time the consent to receive commercial communications, by sending an email to or a letter to Cmno Frigolagros I Petit 7 – 17857 Sant Joan Les Fonts (Girona).